Thursday, July 06, 2006

2 Month Stats

Before I forget...Here's Landon's 2 month (9 weeks old) stats:
-13lbs. 1oz.
-24" long
-16" head

Landon had an exciting time during the week of July 4th. We took him to the fireworks and he had the biggest eyes we've ever seen. He really liked them until the very end after the grand finale when all the big booms went off. But, he was very intrigued by the bright flashes of color.

Landon also had his first shots this week...a painful experience for him and for us...watching this is not fun...if you've experienced it...then, you know what we mean. He had a few rough days as the pain in his legs wore off, but he did get to the beach and enjoyed his cousins who came to see him. -Chris and Mindy

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