Thursday, November 23, 2006

We're Baaaaaack!

Well, we are finally back to posting on the family blog again after a very busy couple months. As a matter of fact, just in the last 2 weeks Landon has experienced his first 2 teeth coming in, 4 shots at his 6 month appointment, being sick and having roseola, 2 doctors appointments, and hospital visit where he had blood drawn to make sure he didn't have anything worse. And, to add to the excitement...we think his third tooth may be coming in. So, the last time we slept was around mid-October.

Anyway, Landon is doing well and has had many exciting adventures in the last couple of months. We hope you enjoy these photos.

-The Cliftons

First Thanksgiving

First Tooth

First Halloween

First Pumpkin Patch

First Trip to Disney

First Food

Bonus Photos!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

One Funny Bath Photo

Who knows what Landon was doing in the bath when we took this picture.... ;0 Funny Stuff.
-The Cliftons

A Few Shots at Home

Here's Landon playing with a new toy, taking a bath, and praying.
-The Cliftons

More Daytona Pix...

A few more Daytona photos for ya...Okay, mabye the last one wasn't from the beach on Daytona. ;) -The Cliftons

First Trip to Daytona

Landon made his first trip to the family condo in Daytona. He had a good time. This was really his first time in a pool too. It was funny watching him process what was going on around him. He spent most of the time staring down at his feet in the water. We think he was trying to figure out if this was a bath or something different. Enjoy!
-The Cliftons

Thursday, July 27, 2006

12 Weeks / 3 Months Old!

Here's some good photos of our boy. -Chris and Mindy

Monday, July 17, 2006

2 1/2 Months

Landon has been trying to talk so much lately. And, he's been really kicking those legs...we think he's going to crawl pretty early if he continues what he's been doing lately. Anyway, his personality comes out a little more each day.

Here's a photo of his first time to daycare with our good friend Cindy. He did really good! We didn't know how he would adjust, but he seems to be doing fine. At least he's with a friend, and at least he only has to be away from us a few hours a day or two a week. Landon says hi!...actually, he says something more like, "aye" or "i"... :)
-Chris and Mindy

Thursday, July 06, 2006

2 Month Stats

Before I forget...Here's Landon's 2 month (9 weeks old) stats:
-13lbs. 1oz.
-24" long
-16" head

Landon had an exciting time during the week of July 4th. We took him to the fireworks and he had the biggest eyes we've ever seen. He really liked them until the very end after the grand finale when all the big booms went off. But, he was very intrigued by the bright flashes of color.

Landon also had his first shots this week...a painful experience for him and for us...watching this is not fun...if you've experienced it...then, you know what we mean. He had a few rough days as the pain in his legs wore off, but he did get to the beach and enjoyed his cousins who came to see him. -Chris and Mindy

Friday, June 30, 2006

2 Months Old!

2 Months Old!
Landon is officially 2 months old! In the last week, he's been very alert to his surroundings, he's been smiling a lot, and even let out a short squealing laugh this past Saturday night. He's becoming a wonderful big boy with a personality all of his own. Hope you enjoy these photos. - Chris and Mindy

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Photos at 7 Weeks

Here's some photos from his 7th week of life. We made a quick trip home to Indiana before Mindy began working so the rest of Chris' extended family could see Landon before he gets too old. ;) -Chris and Mindy